Sunday, November 13, 2011

Agak lame ye saye mninggalkn dunia blog ni..
actually,, bknnye nk tinggalkn.. tp~..
hmm~.. asyik buzy mmnjang..hehe..
x smpt nk share my amazing experience about khidupan di 
Kolej Matrikulasi Melaka a.k.a. KMM..
*muke berslah

As you all know that i'm now studying at KMM in Londang..
x jaoh pon.. study in accountancy..
besides from getting new friends,
byk lg bnde bru yg x prnah aq alami..
First skali ialah terpksa brpisah dgn kluarga..
Mule2 mmg rase resah je..
ala.. maklom r.. x prnh separate dgn family beb..
Family Oriented la katekan.. 
*tgn di bahu, mate ke atas.. haha..
mmg resah gile r time tu..
mindaku asyik berfikir ttg familyku..
hatiku brkata utk pulg ke rumah je..
peeerrrrgghh~ emo siot...hehe...
dlm mase beberapa minggu,,
i'm getting used living my life there..
it's quite fun actually.. :D

later i'll tell u why is it fun livivng there~!

Prkara ke-dua yg biase org alami is CULTURE SHOCK..
what define culture shock~?? ahaha..
Culture shock is the difficulty people have adjusting to a new culture that differs markedly from their own.The shock of moving to a foreign country often consists of distinct phases, though not everyone passes through these phases and not everyone is in the new culture long enough to pass through all four.There are no fixed symptoms ascribed to culture shock as each person is affected differently

There you go..
mmg agak terencat sket first time study kat sane..
tp saye x la amek sriyus sgt psl ni..hehe..

Tp yg pleng ketara skali..yg saye btul2 alami ialah WEIGHT LOSS..
what define weight loss~?
Weight loss, in the context of medicinehealth or physical fitness, is a reduction of the total body mass, due to a mean loss of fluid, body fat or adipose tissue and/or lean mass, namely bone mineral deposits, muscle, tendon and other connective tissue. It can occur unintentionally due to an underlying disease or can arise from a conscious effort to improve an actual or perceived overweight or obese state.

mmg teruje gile2 dpt turun kn brt bdn..
ni bukti nye.. haha..
Click picture to enlarge~ hehe
haaa~ tp still saye rase yg diriku masih lg gemok..
eventhough org ckp dh cukup kurus..
k r.. closing time..
in the nutshell, we must experience new things in life..don't be like frog under coconut shell..
*perosak peribahase.. haha..
ade mase saye tulis lg yup.. tata..


Friday, June 03, 2011

rse mcm dh lame x update blog nih,,,
mklom r, before this, buzy sgt,
prepare nak mengikuti Matriculation Program~!
selepas b'penat lelah prepare things,
tibe lah masenye utk mengikutinya~~
program slame stu taon~

di mana ya~??!
ce teka ce teka~!!
dekat je lorh!!
kt Kolej Matrikulasi Melaka jee~~
dkt sesgt~!! hehe

first impression~?
alamak~ bole ke~?
itu lah my first impression tau~~
risau la gak coz rmai bdk dpt byk A~~
saye ni maklom je la~ 
ade A tpi x byk,,, itu je~
hehehe~~ :D

Tempat baru,,,
Suasana baru,,,
Cara baru,,,
semuanya baru~!
t'msuk lah kwn~

saye ni masih lg menyesuaikn diri lgi pd 
mende2 yg bru ni~
mseh x trime lg knyataan yg saye ni skrg
study kt KMM~!

sebut psl kwn bru kn,,,
saye dh ade,,
tp x la rmai lg~!
ade lg org yg mseh lg belum m'jd kwn saye...
saye ade kwn bru~
kamOo ade~??
ehehehe~ cam 2 lak an,,,

nak tngok pics diorg???
jap ek~!!

2 la kwn2 bru saye~
yg berbaju pink n cute2 tu, akak feci yg take care kteorg~
baek org nye~ hehe

ok r~
maybe smpai sini je kot~
nak tngok cte r~
hehe~ udah strt~
x leh miss...

Sunday, May 08, 2011

today is a very,,
i mean very very special day for those who are called "Mother"...
everyone have a mother,,,
and have their very own special "magic"~
for your information, i have a mother too~

This is my special MOM~! (^,~)v
she's my inspiration in most of the thing in my life~!
and i just wanna say~


and i have a very special song for all of the mother out there~!
by Christina Aguilera~!

She was so young with such innocent eyes
She always dreamt of a fairytale life
And all the things that your money can't buy
She thought that he was a wonderful guy
Then suddenly, things seemed to change
It was the moment she took on his name
He took his anger out on her face
She kept all of her pain locked away

Oh mother, we're stronger
From all of the tears you have shed
Oh mother, don't look back
Cause he'll never hurt us again

So mother, I thank you
For all that you've done and still do
You got me, I got you
Together we always pull through
We always pull through
We always pull through
Oh mother, oh mother, oh mother

It was the day that he turned on his kids
That she knew she just had to leave him
So many voices inside of her head
Saying over and over and over,
"You deserve much more than this."

She was so sick of believing the lies and trying to hide
Covering the cuts and bruises (cuts and bruises)
So tired of defending her life, she could have died
Fighting for the lives of her children

Oh mother, we're stronger
From all of the tears you have shed (all of the tears you have shed)
Oh mother, don't look back
Cause he'll never hurt us again (he'll never hurt us again)

So mother, I thank you (thank you)
For all that you've done and still do (still do)
You got me, I got you, (yeah you got me and I got you)
Together we always pull through.
We always pull through
We always pull through
Oh mother, oh mother, oh mother

All of your life you have spent
Burying hurt and regret
But mama, he'll never touch us again

For everytime he tried to break you down
Just remember who's still around
It's over, and we're stronger
And we'll never have to go back again

Oh mother, we're stronger
From all of the tears you have shed
Oh mother, don't look back (oh mother don't look back again)
Cause he'll never hurt us again (cause he'll never hurt us again)

So mother, I thank you (and I thank you for everything you've done)
For all that you've done and still do (together we always move on)
You got me, I got you, (you got me, I got you)
Together we always pull through (always pull through)
We always pull through
We always pull through

I love you mom~

Friday, May 06, 2011

and the title already show how i feels...

i'm really looking forward to take asasi TESL as my course,
but what can i do~
the decision has already made,
and i respect that...
eventhough i'm quite disapointed...

NO. KAD PENGENALAN/MYKAD : xxxxxx-xx-xxxx

Dukacita dimaklumkan bahawa anda TIDAK BERJAYA
dalam permohonan kemasukan ke IPTA bagi Sesi Akademik 2011/2012.

Rayuan adalah melalui aplikasi e-Rayuan sahaja dan boleh dicapai mulai 06 Mei 2011 jam 12.00 tengah hari sehingga 16 Mei 2011.

Aplikasi e-Rayuan :
Harap Maklum

thats ok i guess,,,
at least i can go to "matriks"
and study accountancy~

i think that's for now...
i gotta prepare my things~

Monday, May 02, 2011

lots of people wanna go on diet these days,,,
i'm so pround coz one of them is me~!!
my very own self~
i wanna be thinner soooo~ badly mann~~

i've put on some weight while i'm on my "honeymoon"~
not 1, not 2, but 5 kgs~!!!

that is a lot...
i mean a lot of weight!!
it is soo~ frustrating...

since i realize that i wanna look slim n slender,,
i started excercising~!
man my joint r hurting me~!
and also controll my intake of food...


it takes some times for me to get use to it..
guess what~!!??
i'm used to it~!
yay me~~~!!!

my hardwork is finally paid off~!
i lost 5kgs
n get my body back~!
it's hard meyh~!!!

now i'm targeting to lost weight some more~!!
i hope i can loss it the right way~!!

enough crapping~!

What is Dieting~!!???
as for me, dieting is something that you do 
to maintain a great health and life~
and u do that by excercising n watch what u eat~!!

Dieting is the practice of ingesting food in a regulated fashion to achieve or maintain a controlled weight. In most cases dieting is used in combination with physical exercise to lose weight in those who are overweight or obese. 

as a conclusion~,,
sleepy meyh~~~
one should maintain their body weight to be healthy~!!
eat lots of vegetables~!!!
just like i do~!! ahahaha~

that's 4 todayy~!

Monday, April 18, 2011

mornin oledi... noooo~
i'm to nervous to go to school~~!

nak x nak, kne gak gi amek,,,
bwk kete sndiri beb~!!!
ahaha~ juz got my driving lisence...
smpai2 je, hang out kjap ngan classmates~!
mklom r,, it's been a long time since we've met each other~
face 2 face~! ahaha~~!!!

"bla bla bla... tiba masanye saye umum an kputusan utk bebudk yg dpt str8 A"
kate cikgu Ramli~~!!
waa~ standard la an announce bebudk str8 A first an??
saye nie,, x la menghrp sgt~!...
then dye sbot name.... 
jeng jeng jeng...
Amierul Ataa Roslan~!
wah... gumbiranye aty~!
siap bg speech lg aw~!

alangkh bgusnye klu dream 2 jd knyataan~!!
ahahahaha~! brangan sooda~!
yg bangge nye,, ade sorg classmate yg dpt str8 A aww~~!
ko ade??~!
ahaha~! Pak Jabit mesti cemburu sbb awak dpt kwn cam 2~!
 kesitu plak~

then turn org mcm saye lak amek results~!
tidak kusangka~!
ade A~
tp x byk r~~
cukup la klu nak tanggung kluarge~!!
merepek sudaa~!
memuaskn la jugak...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

waaaaaaaaaaaaaa~ haha~
dh buang tabiat ka??!
agk nye la..

haha~ smenjak kblakgn nih an,,
aquh rase bored sesgt~
x de r... always dok umah je... ponen pale dibuatnye (-_-")

dh tade idea r~!!!
haha~ jom tngok pix =p

It's mee~!
haha~ korunk prasan x ape yg len...
slaen mataku yg biru uh~...
haha,,, terprasan sudaa~
 jeng jeng jeng~
jwpn nye ialah...

saye kurus sket~!!!!!
x de r... juz kidding...

stelah lame mencari photo editor yg ley edit wane mate...
jumpe gak...
suke nyew~!!! ≧◡≦ haha~

ok x???
still learnin' agy...

n 1 more..
Lesen P!!!

22nd february nih nk amek JPJ test~!
waaaaaaaa~ tergerun sudaa... haha~

stelah lame 2gu kete kt workshop...
smpai gak kt umah....
esok pg nak bwk gi jenjln laaa~
haha... nak PRACTISE lorh....
u know what people say: 
"practise makes perfect~!"

ehem ehem...
esok gi bli breakfast naek ape??!

jeng jeng jeng...
jwpn nyew ialah...

pe r aquh nih..
dh strt mngarut...
haha~ mklom r kowl 1 pg tulis blog nih..

stu lg pix... 
Game yg ade kt muka buku~!

ni la satu2 nye game yg aquh pleng njoy maen kat muke buku aw~!
biase r...
nak jd pastry chef msti tau drpd mane aslnye bhn2 dtg drpd mane...
btul ke x???
ade LAGI~!!!

Game kesukaan...
ni lg stu game yg best gile~!
tp yg sdey nyew...
aq tade game nih~!!!!
nnt besday aquh korg bg game ni ek.. PC nye aw!!

yg best sgt psl game nih~!
1. game yg best!!
2. ttg kehidupan... kite yg tentukn...
mcm kehidupan kite gak...
3. tingkatkn daya kreativiti dn imaginasi~!
cnth nye.. build a house and decorate umoh korg juz the way u like...
4. best gile~!!!
dh lame mengidam nak men game ni dlm pc...
nak nak nak~!!!

k r...
smpai sni je r...
dh sleepy dh nih...
dh la sok nak gi bli srpn naek kete~!!!
tata~!! ≧◡≦

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Beautiful by Christina Aguilera

"Don't look at me

Every day is so wonderful
And suddenly it's hard to breathe
Now and then I get insecure
From all the pain, feel so ashamed

I am beautiful no matter what they say
Words can't bring me down
I am beautiful in every single way
Yes, words can't bring me down, oh no
So don't you bring me down today

To all your friends you're delirious
So consumed in all your doom
Tryin' hard to fill the emptiness, the piece is gone
Left the puzzle undone, ain't that the way it is?

'Cause you are beautiful no matter what they say
Words can't bring you down, oh no
You are beautiful in every single way
Yes, words can't bring you down, oh no
So don't you bring me down today

No matter what we do
No matter what we do
(No matter what we say)
No matter what we say
(We're the song that's outta tune)
(Full of beautiful mistakes)

(And everywhere we go)
And everywhere we go
(The sun will always shine)
The sun will always, always shine!
(But tomorrow we might awake on the other side)

'Cause we are beautiful no matter what they say
Yes, words won't bring us down, oh no
We are beautiful in every single way
Yes, words can't bring us down, oh no
So don't you bring me down today

Don't you bring me down today
Don't you bring me down today"